Location: A Ranking Factor in Organic SERPs


New Member
New post from SEOmoz: Location: A Ranking Factor in Organic SERPs

Quote: We're all familiar with: personalization, SPYW, and the mix of organic + local + shopping + news etc. we call "universal search". Today, we're going to talk about the results that APPEAR to be pure organic, ignoring AdWords, Google Places results, image, news, video, shopping, social influenced results, etc.

Now, looking just at these ordinary organic results, you might expect that if you're signed out, cookies blocked, pws=0, and a ski mask on, you'd get the same results for a given search as you see from any one of a number of rank-checking tools.

But you'd be wrong. Well...in some cases, you'd be wrong. If your location is set (auto-detected via your IP address, or set manually by you), in some cases Google is using your location as a ranking factor.
Any evidence or proof? Did you read the article? If you don't believe SEOmoz then do what they did to prove to yourself whether their findings are accurate or not.