I upgraded my entity framework 4.3 database first project to the new entity framework 5.Apparently I'm now using DbContext instead of ObjectContext.I've replaced my old .edmx file with a new one. My old business code, that was previously using my 4.3 .edmx file, now has a problem with code using the \[code\]LoadProperty\[/code\] method:\[code\]using (var context = new MyEntities()){ Models.User user = context.Users.First(x => x.GUID == guid); context.LoadProperty(user, o => o.Settings); return user;}\[/code\]It seems that LoadProperty is not an available method in DbContext.How can I can get strong typed loading anyway?I suppose I could use \[code\]context.Users.Include("Settings")\[/code\]but that is not strong typed and prone to typos.