Loading XML files into a Treeview without data binding in wpf


New Member
I was wondering if anyone could offer a way of loading the contents of an xml file into a treeview without using data binding or touching xaml at all for that matter.What I want to accomplish is a simple app which can add/edit/remove xml elements, in a way which I can control fully. (Pardon my ignorance, but if xml is data-bound, then does it mean changes made at runtime to any of the nodes would result in those changes being applied to the xml file? If so, perhaps I will consider data binding...)In any case, could someone please let me know the best approach if they think what Im trying to accomplish here is overcomplicated.Edit:My xml file contents:\[code\]<games> <game> <title>Game 1</title> <img>C:\icons\icon1.png</img> <exloc>C:\games\game1\game.exe</exloc> <workdir>C:\games\game1\</workdir> </game> <game> <title>Game 2</title> <img>C:\icons\icon2.png</img> <exloc>C:\games\game2\game.exe</exloc> <workdir>C:\games\game2\</workdir> </game></games>\[/code\]