Ok. I have this doubt:
I need to know if it's possible to have an Hyperlink link like: "www.flash.com/index.php?Name=Carlos&Color=Brown&Age=100000years"
and have flash load these vars after "?" directly into flash.
I ask this because I have a site which has many variables, and I want the user to send by e-mail these variables included in a hyperlink (again, FOR EXAMPLE: "www.flash.com/index.php?Name=Carlos&Color=Brown&Age=100000years")
so when the recievers of this e-mail click the hyperlink, they are taken to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.flash.com/index.php">www.flash.com/index.php</a><!-- w --> and a single flash loads the variables after "?".
I need a single flash load the vars, no matter if their values change.
Do I need a database? Do I need to make a different swf for each vars with different values?
I have this php code (writetest.php) that writes the vars as flash reads it:
// Process the OUTPUT options
if ($action == "VIEW")
echo ("TextEffectToLoad" . "=" . "$TextEffect" );
echo ("&");
(Of course, as many variables, more code, but that's easy).
I just type in the address bar:"http://www.puertocreativo.com/~fsoul/writetest6.php?action=VIEW&TextEffect=Carlos" and this writes "TextEffectToLoad=Carlos&" in the browser screen,
which is the format flash reads.
I have my flash embedded in the same php ("writetest.php"), and I tell this flash to load the vars of this same "writetest.php" ( since they are written right in the browser screen) but I don't have any success.
Anyone can help me out?
This is the last step I need for my site, after that I just would have to make the graphics and the sounds and music for my site (yes, I also do graphics and make music
and for that I don't need help
...so far...).
Please, if someone gives me a BIG hand, I will never end thanking that someone.
I need to know if it's possible to have an Hyperlink link like: "www.flash.com/index.php?Name=Carlos&Color=Brown&Age=100000years"
and have flash load these vars after "?" directly into flash.
I ask this because I have a site which has many variables, and I want the user to send by e-mail these variables included in a hyperlink (again, FOR EXAMPLE: "www.flash.com/index.php?Name=Carlos&Color=Brown&Age=100000years")
so when the recievers of this e-mail click the hyperlink, they are taken to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.flash.com/index.php">www.flash.com/index.php</a><!-- w --> and a single flash loads the variables after "?".
I need a single flash load the vars, no matter if their values change.
Do I need a database? Do I need to make a different swf for each vars with different values?
I have this php code (writetest.php) that writes the vars as flash reads it:
// Process the OUTPUT options
if ($action == "VIEW")
echo ("TextEffectToLoad" . "=" . "$TextEffect" );
echo ("&");
(Of course, as many variables, more code, but that's easy).
I just type in the address bar:"http://www.puertocreativo.com/~fsoul/writetest6.php?action=VIEW&TextEffect=Carlos" and this writes "TextEffectToLoad=Carlos&" in the browser screen,
which is the format flash reads.
I have my flash embedded in the same php ("writetest.php"), and I tell this flash to load the vars of this same "writetest.php" ( since they are written right in the browser screen) but I don't have any success.
Anyone can help me out?
This is the last step I need for my site, after that I just would have to make the graphics and the sounds and music for my site (yes, I also do graphics and make music

Please, if someone gives me a BIG hand, I will never end thanking that someone.