Loading large amount of Records from XML to HTML Table


New Member
I am reading records from a XML file and displaying it in a dynamically created HTML table(inside a div whose id ="content") with javascript using push method. When the number of records is below 1000 the script executes normally and the contents are displayed. But when the number of records exceeds 1 million the browser(Currently using Firefox) warns me as Unresponsive script(A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete). I know that we can split the records and display with page navigation, but I need to display all the records in the current view just as in Yahoo!Mail's In Scrolling Option. Or before all the records are displayed I want to show a Loading image in the "content" div and after that have to display the HTML table with the xml contents. How can I do this?