Loading JPG from Oracle to ASPx image control ?


New Member
Good morning,<BR><BR>Anyone know how to load a JPG image from a Oracle <BR>database into a Image control to send to a ASPx page.<BR><BR>I can load the image from a folder on the website into <BR>the image no problem. But I need to be able to take the <BR>image stored in the database and load ii into the image <BR>control.<BR><BR>Any help would be appreciated.<BR>{Code examples would be excellent :)}<BR>Thanks<BR>Deasun<BR>Here is how to do it with SQL Server....shouldn't be too hard to change it to Oracle...should just have to change from SQL Connections/Commands,etc. to general ODBC.<BR><BR>http://www.dotnetbips.com/displayarticle.aspx?id=101