Loading graphics in order


Hi All,<br />
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I'm planning a long page full of graphics for our 'art gallery'. This will obviously take a long time to load, but I figure it will be alright if I can get the pictures to load in the right order, from top to bottom. This way, although the page will take a long time to load, the user will have the first pics on the page to look at in the meantime.<br />
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It seems to me that, left to its own devices, the page will load the graphics in a more or less random order, even trying to load several graphics at once.<br />
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What I want to do is to load each picture in the order that they appear on the page and to finish each one before starting on the next one. A bit like the 'Do Events' in VB.<br />
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I don't really want to use thumb nails or split the page up unless there is no other way.<!--content-->Why not use thumbnails? the surfer can see snapshots of full size work very quickly, and in the end it speeds up the user experience. <br />
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Besides, have you seen a page of full size pics that just scrolls, and scrolls, and scrolls......<!--content-->in any event, if you use thumbnails, you can still load them in an order. you can have the thumbnails in an array in javascript adn load them like that. But I agree with the good Dr. that thumbnails are best.<!--content-->