Loading a window into a separate window.


Staff member
I have a link on my site that opens a popup that walks a user step by step through an account setup. I have that under control. I know how to adjust the window and all that jazz.

My deal now is on one of the pages as the user is going along they have a link that (they are still in the popup) when clicked opens a small descriptive window to help them out.

My problem is when they click this link it opens this descriptive window into my original popup window instead of a separate window. How do I accomplish this? Thank you ahead of time for your time. My code below :


var picwindow;

function openwin(url)
picwindow = window.open(url,"SpamnIt",


return false;



<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"" onclick = "return openwin('../main/ispcheck.php');">
<IMG SRC=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"../images/protect.gif" WIDTH=127 HEIGHT=25 BORDER=0 ALT="Protect Yourself"></A>

This opens my original popup now I assumed I needed same function just different name so I used this within the popup to open the other window:


var picawindow;

function openit(url)
picawindow = window.open(url,\"SpamnIt\",
\"height=225,width=450,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,left=500,top=400,screenX=0,screenY=100\ ");


return false;



<td colspan=4>
If you would like to pay by check/money order, please check the button below.
(<A HREF=\"\" onclick = \"return openit('../main/checkexp.php');\"> Important Note </a>) <p>

thanks again for any help in what I am doing wrong.