Loading a text file into an HTML page

Hello - I've got a simple problem that needs big help!<br />
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I've designed a message board in Flash that uses a PHP file to write to a .txt file. <br />
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However I no longer want to display the text in Flash - I only wish to use Flash to write the file. <br />
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So how can I show the contents of the txt file in a simple HTML page? I'm sure there's a simple operator that will effectively "load" the variables (as in Flash), but I'm buggered if I can find it. <br />
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All help very greatfully appreciated!<!--content-->use include() or require()<!--content-->Thanks a million. Does this basically mean I just insert <br />
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include("textfile.txt") into a frame or whatever?<!--content-->You need a server-side language, such as PHP or ASP. The code ShrineDesigns referred to requires PHP.<br />
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Pyro has explained the necessary code for PHP and SSI here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://webdevfaqs.com/php.php#include">http://webdevfaqs.com/php.php#include</a><!-- m -->). You can also do it in most other server-side languages, depending on what you have available. However, you can't do it in plain HTML.<br />
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