Load problem


New Member
Hello everyone,I am using set xmlHTTP = server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") to sendand receive XML doc over HTTP. (Proxy config utility has been installed onthe prod machine).When I receive an XML file in response from another server. And when I tryto load that file in XMLDOM using the following in turns.Set xmlDOM = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlDOM")Set xmlDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")but still doesnot work.I get the following error:Error No. -> -2146697208Error Desc -> The download of the specified resource has failed. Error processingresource 'http://asdf.asdf.com:80/asdf/asdf.dtd'.The thing is the same code works on my dev machine (NT) and it doesnt workon prod server (win2k). Is it maybe due to proxy server settings?Anybody any idea? Any help would be highly appreciated.