load image b4 text


hey guys, anyway to load say a background image before the rest of the page??<!--content-->I believe that the Browser interepret a HTML document from th etop to bottom, line by line like other languages compilers... so if your image code is above the text code, then it will be recognized before the text and therefore it will load first!@:D<!--content-->One way to do this is to have a intro page. On that intro page have this script <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/preloadimage.htm">http://dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/preloadimage.htm</a><!-- m --> or this script <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/preloadimage2.htm">http://dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/preloadimage2.htm</a><!-- m --> , configure it so that it preloads the bg image. Those will load them with a progress bar, and put them in the cache for quick reloading. :D <br />
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Wow, I keep giving out links to Dynamicdrive, its like I work for them :D<!--content-->>> I believe that the Browser interepret a HTML document from th e top to bottom, line by line like other languages compilers... so if your image code is above the text code, then it will be recognized before the text and therefore it will load first! <<<br />
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It does interpret line by line, but if your HTML file is, say, 20K and your image file is also 20K then since the HTML started loading first it is probably also going to finish first as well.<!--content-->also depends on your connection. the faster the connection the faster you see the page and you won't notice the image loading first or the text.<!--content-->Yea, connectin is always a problem. I wish everyone had at least broadband...I wish....<!--content-->Don't let your wishing turn against you. Take for example your website, you have a rather simple image saved as a bitmap. It took me 30 seconds to load on cable. A GIF would be more suitable for that image.<!--content-->I know, I liked the quality. I did have something there to preload the rest of the images, but I screwed the script up and had to take it off. <br />
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Plus, I like that image. BMP was the default quality setting and I was in a rush. Now that youmention it I might change it soon.<br />
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While we're on the topic. What gives better quality, a JPG, or a GIF?<!--content-->you can convert it to a jpg and still keep the qaulity and cut down the size.<!--content-->...While in Photoshop, which quality setting should I choose? Thanks for the info scoutt. But still which quality setting?<!--content-->not sure as I haven't used photoshop in awhile, do each one and se waht teh size is or if it is as good as you want.<!--content-->Ive also noticed that on some computers that the image in quetion comes in considerably lower grade. It was like it was a jpg on the lowest quality setting chosen. Even though it was still that BMP<br />
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I do know that AOL does compress files.<!--content-->Yea Ive checked it. I chose JPG on 7 (medium quality) and it seams identical unless you look carefully at the center, where there seems to be less detail<!--content-->