I've figured this thing out for myself, maybe it'll help you ...
Just creat comma delimited file: ';' or ',' with extension .txt or .csv (Works export file extension).
Then put it were you like and excecute the following at the MySQL shell:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'C:\\dir1\\subdir1\\Youfilename.csv' INTO TABLE yourtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' ENCLOSED BY '\"';
Just use the double slashes or else it will think it is a prefix for an ambigious character. The ENCLOSED BY is optional.
Also be sure to have the corresponding table created before in the same field format as the file you're trying to load.
Good luck
Just creat comma delimited file: ';' or ',' with extension .txt or .csv (Works export file extension).
Then put it were you like and excecute the following at the MySQL shell:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'C:\\dir1\\subdir1\\Youfilename.csv' INTO TABLE yourtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' ENCLOSED BY '\"';
Just use the double slashes or else it will think it is a prefix for an ambigious character. The ENCLOSED BY is optional.
Also be sure to have the corresponding table created before in the same field format as the file you're trying to load.
Good luck