LiveValidation in Wordpress


New Member
Could anyone help me get LiveValidation to work in wordpress? So far, I've loaded the script in header.php and in my wordpress page I have the following code after my form: \[code\] <script> var f1 = new LiveValidation('d_fn'); f1.add(Validate.Exclusion, {within:['First Name']}); f1.add(Validate.Presence); var f2 = new LiveValidation('d_ln'); f2.add(Validate.Presence); f2.add(Validate.Exclusion, {within:['Last Name']}); var f3 = new LiveValidation('d_s1'); f3.add(Validate.Presence); var f4 = new LiveValidation('d_cy'); f4.add(Validate.Presence); var f5 = new LiveValidation('d_phone'); f5.add(Validate.Length, {is:10}); var f6 = new LiveValidation('d_email'); f6.add(Validate.Email); var f7 = new LiveValidation('d_pw1'); f7.add(Validate.Presence); var f8 = new LiveValidation('d_pw2'); f8.add(Validate.Confirmation, {match: 'd_pw1'}); </script>\[/code\]This is working perfectly outside of wordpress but I can't seem to get it to work in Wordpress. I'm really new with Wordpress so sorry if it's a stupid question, thanks!