Live Help 123 - Free & Commercial Web Based Live Help


Live Help 123 is a hosted service that allows visitor to your web site to communicate with sales people and support staff using a web browser in real time.

We offer a free version so that you can experience the benefits of live sales and customer support service.

Benefits of Live Help

- Increased Efficiency: Unlike phone calls, operators can handle multiple customers with great ease.
- Decreased Costs: No long distance phone costs to worry about for either you or your customer.
- Instant Communication: Unlike e-mail systems, interaction between operators and customers occur in real time.
- Time Saver and Customer Satisfaction: Customers can continue to work on their computer while waiting for the next available operator.
- Keep Session Records: Both the customer and the operator can save and print the live help transcripts for future references.
- Knowledge Base: You can build a searchable knowledge base using Live Help 123's built in database capabilities.
- Team Based Support: Operators can "invite" another operator or a supervisor to join a live help session whenever they need assistance. This feature also allows one operator to transfer a support session to another person.
- Visitor Tracking: You can monitor and track visitors to your web site in real time.
- Canned Replies: You can prepare "quick phrases", which are canned replies to commonly asked questions.

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