What this plugin does? This plugin uses the 'global_start' hook and stores the desired information from your forum database into php variables and when called in 'header 'template, produces the desired results.
Demo : Sikhism
Installation Instructions : (Also attached along with the plugin.)
Live Forum Statistics in Header Template - vBulletin.org Forum
Demo : Sikhism
Installation Instructions : (Also attached along with the plugin.)
Step by Step Instructions:
1. Ofcourse, download the Plugin.
2. Go to 'Plugin System' module in vb admin panel and click 'Download/Upload Plugins'.
3. Towards the botton of next screen, you will see a box table - 'Import Plugin Definitions XML File'. Click the 'Browse' button and select the Plugin Definitions XML File downloaded and saved somewhere on your computer. Click the 'Import' button and well... you are not quite yet done. LOL!!
4. Ok, Now go to Styles & Tempalte --> 'Styles Manager' and select the 'Common Templates' option from drop down menu and click the 'Go' button.
5. In the header template:
Find: (ususally at the end of the template file)
<!-- content table -->
Add Above:
<!-- Forum Stats in Header Template -->
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<div align="left"><span class="smallfont">| <b>Discussions:</b> $totalthreads | <b>Messages:</b> $totalposts | <b>Members: </b>$numbermembers | <b>Online: </b>$totalonline </b> | <b>Newest :</b> <a href="$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$newuserid"><b>$newusername</b></a> (Welcome!)
<!-- Forum Stats in Header Template -->
Live Forum Statistics in Header Template - vBulletin.org Forum