lists - how do they do this?


Please check out this page:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Notice that they use the <li> tag without using the <ul> tag, yet the list items still align nicely (without any text appearing underneath the bullets). I'm trying to figure out how this is done. Whatever it is, it seems to work in both IE5.x and Netscape 4.x (on PC) and I don't see any reference to a stylesheet.<br />
<br />
Any help would be much appreciated!<!--content-->You'r right.....<br />
but it is not ok.<br />
Using Ace4Free to validate:<br />
Errormessage: <br />
tag < LI> can't be here<!--content-->Sorry, I should clarify... I realize that it's not valid HTML to omit the <ul> tags when using <li>, but I'm more interested in figuring out how they got everything to line up nicely without the <ul> tags. <br />
<br />
Another way of putting it is: how can I use HTML bullets but get rid of all the spacing they put around them? (i.e. the line break before and after the list, and the indentation). Thanks.<!--content-->Try this:<br />
< FONT FACE="Wingdings" SIZE="+2" COLOR="#FF0000">l</FONT ><br />
It is the l lower case<br />
If it's upper cas L it is not the same.<br />
********<br />
the <ul> tags when using <li>, but I'm more ...<br />
********<br />
If the html code is not correct it can work, but not in any browser.<br />
;)<!--content-->Thanks, but again, I want to know how they can get everything to align nicely without using the <ul> tags -- how they get all the bullets to line up in one "column" and the text in another "column."<!--content-->If the UL is not there it still will give a list bullet.<br />
Test in Arachnophilia:<br />
firt with ul second without ul<br />
<blockquote><br />
<ul type="square"><br />
<li><br />
1 een<br />
<li><br />
2 twee<br />
<li><br />
3 drie<br />
<li><br />
4 vier<br />
<li><br />
5 vijf<br />
</ul><br />
<br />
<li><br />
1 een<br />
<li><br />
2 twee<br />
<li><br />
3 drie<br />
<li><br />
4 vier<br />
<li><br />
5 vijf</blockquote><br />
============<br />
Looks both the same.<!--content-->I know you don't NEED the <ul> for bullets to appear. You DO, however, need the <ul> if you want the text to align properly. That's why I'm asking how they got their text to align without using <ul>.<!--content-->I'm not exactly sure what you mean by align properly but, on the page you linked to, they are using a <BLOCKQUOTE> tag to create indentation and using <BR> tags to break the <LI> list to new lines:<br />
<br />
Heading here<br />
<li>first line<br><br />
<li>another line here<br><br />
<li>anotherline here<br><br />
<li>ad naseum<br><br />
<li>last line<br><br />
</blockquote><br />
<br />
you can also use CSS to create lists<!--content-->