I have a search that returns a result that is dynamic. So I am trying to just show a label if there are no results found. The problem i am having is i dont know how to count the result because it is dynamic and is not equal to a type. The error message is :\[quote\] Operator '!=' Cannot be applied ot operands of type System.Collections.Generic.List and int\[/quote\]\[code\] if (Page.IsValid) { string keyword = txtSearch.Text.Trim(); List<dynamic> results = SearchItems(keyword); List<dynamic> Cresults = SearchContacts(keyword); if(results != 0 || Cresults !=0) { //bind and return LVI.DataSource = results; LVI.DataBind(); // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); //Contact Bind return LVC.DataSource = Cresults; LVC.DataBind(); // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); lvAdmin.DataSource = results; lvAdmin.DataBind(); LVCAdmin.DataSource = Cresults; LVCAdmin.DataBind(); } else{ NoResults.Visible = true; }\[/code\]