list box and stings..


Staff member
Could someone please help me out...

I have a list box generated from a MYSQL table. It lists all operating systems. (i.e., OS_ID=1 OS_Name= Windows NT)The user can select multiple operating systems. I then implode the variable from the array so it is stored within the field of another table as (1,2,3).

Now my problem is when I pull that information from the table to the list box to edit, how can I set up the select box so that there are three operating systems in the list box I have Windows NT, UNIX, Solaris selected..based on the string 1,2,3..
It works when just 1 is selected but when there is a string (1,2,3)it does not select any.

If anyone can help, I thank you in advance..if you need the code, I can post that as well...