linux client ibase problem ...again


Staff member

I wuld like to take up to Maura Mathieu's problem from December/2000 (Subject: linux client ibase PB).

I have the same problem. I'm using Apache 1.3.20, PHP 4.0.6 and Interbase6_CS on one computer called "GATE" and Interbase6 on other computer called "SQL".

On GATE computer is not needed server, there should be only client. I need to read/write from PHP script on computer "GATE" from/to database on SQL server named "SQL".

ibase_connect("sql:/db/mydb.gdb", .....)
"Warning: InterBase: Unable to complete network request to host "sql". Failed to locate host machine. Undefined service gds_db/tcp. in /webserver/obj3.php on line 11"

I tried to erase "sql:" prefix from path, because I have SQL server on "GATE" too and all works fine.

I have checked hosts, services and other files. All seems to be OK.
ISQL from "GATE" to "SQL" works perfectly:
ISQL:>CONNECT "sql:/db/mydb.gdb" ....
works fine.

Anybody can solve this?
