I am using Linq to XML to save a List into XML string.The xml string I am trying to get:\[code\]<people><name>xxx</name><age>23</age></people><people><name>yyy</name><age>25</age></people>\[/code\]C# code:\[code\]List<Peoples> peopleList = new List<Peoples>(); peopleList.Add(new Peoples() { Name = "xxx", Age = 23 });peopleList.Add(new Peoples() { Name = "yyy", Age = 25 });var people (from item in peopleListselect new XElement("people", new XAttribute("name", item.Name), new XAttribute("age", item.Age) ));\[/code\]How can I convert \[code\]var people\[/code\] into \[code\]XML string\[/code\]?Thank you.