Linky Thingy


:confused: ok..heres the deal...I have a frame to the left and then I have my main page,but on the main page there is a iframe..well I want a link on the left frame but when u click on the link shows up on the iframe now how do u do that!? :eek:<!--content-->like this<br />
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<a href="theurl.html" target="nameofiframe">Click here</a><!--content-->well..I try and guess didn't work when I clicked on the link it popped up a new window :( but thanks for your help :P<!--content-->you need to change the target to the name of the Iframe you want.<br />
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nameofiframe = the name of your Iframe<br />
target="nameofiframe"><!--content-->..I did that tho..*is lost* there another code out there to use?<!--content-->then you didn't do it right. that is the only way to do it. you could use javascript but it basically the same way.<!--content-->