Links won't work!=(


Another stupid question, but thats just meh! lol: <br />
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When I put a link in my entry it shows up, but I can't click on it! =( I don't know if it has to do with the iframe. What I linked was a .jpg file in my directory... ummm please help!=( Which is weird, because the author name/time/comments link work fine. :confused: <br />
(BTW, the page is blog.htm, because it's greymatter, and I can't seem to get a reply from their forum).<!--content-->I am having trouble trying to figure out what is going wrong. What do you mean you cant click on it? You didnt leave out a quote or a bracket did you? Is this image inside or outside of the i frame. Do you want it to open in a new window in the main window or inside of the Iframe. Give me a url or some code to look at some I can help you out<!--content-->Iframe or no iframe, to create a clickable image, use<br />
<a href="iwanttogohere.html"><img src="whatever.jpg" alt="Alt text"></a><br />
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If the image does not show up, make sure you are using the correct address. Note that it is case sensitive. "WHATEVER.JPG" does not mean "whatever.jpg".<br />
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Make sure you haven't left open quote or bracket.<br />
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Finally, check the uri for <a> tag. If you are using an absolute uri, add the <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://">http://</a><!-- m -->. Eg. "dir/file.html" is OK, so it "", but "" is not OK.<br />
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If this isn't what you are asking, please be specific with your question or attach your html file.<!--content-->When I was talking about the I frame I ment were the targets modified like <a href="youimage.jpg" taget="newwin or iframe name"><img src="Your image.jpg"></a> But I think this is probably just a left off quote or something and I wish she would give us some code so we could tell her what is wrong.<!--content-->She said the link its self does not open like it cant be clicked. This tells me that its not a bad url, no 404 error, its probably she didnt use a </a> or a quote or something<!--content-->