Links unable to understand target


Hi!<br />
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I have a problem with my page.<br />
I used an Iframe to load pages in from the main menu. but after clicking 4 or 5 links they all started appearing in new pages instead of inside the Iframe. I.E they worked for a few times and then started to make pop up windows, like when you press Ctrl+N in Internet Explorer.<br />
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Is there any way to force pages to load in a frame or do they have a "life of their own"? =)<br />
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Anyone know what this could be and how to fix it?<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->Have you checked the target attribute for each link is set to the iframe, or the base target for the page is set correctly?<br />
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Posting a link to a demonstration page would help me see the problem more easily.<br />
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Adam<!--content-->i have checked that and i will post a page tomorrow, so i閶杔 get back to you then, but i'll have got to get some sleep now.<br />
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but yes I have checked and double checked all targets and basetargets<!--content-->