Links Not Working in Tables with Translucent Backgrounds


Staff member
To clarify, I made a table navigation bar in one frame of a site (each link is in a separate table row). I made the background of the table a translucent image with the IE alpha filter, and for some reason the links will not activate now (when moused over, there is no cursor change and clicking on them does nothing). The links themselves are plain text, and when I change a{} properties in the head of the page, text-decoration and font weight/style are displayed appropriately. This would suggest that the links are being recognized and would work, but yet they don't (in addition, a{hover:} commands don't function either). <br />
I'm using what I believe to be regular linking code in the table<br />
<tr...><td...><a href= target=frame2>Click Here</a></td></tr> ,<br />
but none of them do a thing. Am I missing some big careless mistake here, or does the alpha filter have something to do with this problem?<!--content-->do you have the code or a link to the page?<br />
i've done alpha filtering on a <div> before, and used <a href=> in the div, and it's worked fine...<!--content-->Here, I posted this problem in the CSS forum too and included the code; check it out. I don't know why the other guy had no problem with the sample code as opposed to the live site, so maybe you can help me out here.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=28740</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Bumping, because I still can't figure this out... I'd think that giving the table a class signature with the alpha filter as its only property may be the cause of the problem, but I don't know what else to add in there to get the links to activate.<!--content-->