Links in include file


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<a href="policies_finyrend.asp">2004/2005 Year-End</a><br>
<a href="policies_pfma.asp">Public Finance Mgmt Act</a><br>
<a href="policies_findownloads.asp">Form Downloads</a><p>

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If a page from>putts
03-15-2005, 11:28 AM

yeah, if you like Yabba's technique, just put that class attribute inside the if that checks if the current item of the array is the current page and switch it from gray to normal accordingly.This is fairly simple. For non-dynamic page. Use CSS selected. For dynamic page.
Use If then statement. I've use it in my site sort category features.

Example Code:

<span class="content"><Strong>Sort Category:</strong> <%If Request.QueryString("sid") = "2" Then%>Most Popular<%Else%><a title="Sort category by most popular" class="hleft"href="category.asp?cat_id=<%=Request.QueryString("cat_id")%>&sid=2">Most Popular<%End if%></a> | <%If Request.QueryString("sid") = "1" Then%>Highest Rated<%Else%><a title="Sort category by highest rated" class="hleft" href="category.asp?cat_id=<%=Request.QueryString("cat_id")%>&sid=1">Highest Rated<%End if%></a> | <%If Request.QueryString("sid") = "3" OR Request.QueryString("sid") = "" Then%>Newest<%Else%><a title="Sort category by newest" class="hleft" href="category.asp?cat_id=<%=Request.QueryString("cat_id")%>&sid=3">Newest<%End If%></a> | <%If Request.QueryString("sid") = "5" AND Request.QueryString("ob") = "1" Then%>A-Z<%Else%><a title="Sort category by name A to Z" class="hleft" href="category.asp?cat_id=<%=Request.QueryString("cat_id")%>&sid=5&ob=1">A-Z<%End If%></a> | <%If Request.QueryString("sid") = "5" AND Request.QueryString("ob") = "2" Then%>Z-A<%Else%><a title="Sort category by name Z to A" class="hleft" href="category.asp?cat_id=<%=Request.QueryString("cat_id")%>&sid=5&ob=2">Z-A<%End If%></a>

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