links from IBM developerWorks


New Member
I thought some of you might have a look at it.

New IBM Software PowerPack evaluation program for Java and .Net developers Are you developing in Java, ANSI C++, Visual C++6, CORBA, IDL, MIDL, or XML, Or are you a .NET developer using Visual C#, Visual Basic, NET, ASP, .NET, or evaluating the .NET platform? Either way with the new PowerPack you抣l get a robust collection of resources that will enable you to evaluate IBM software development tools designed to help you with your
specific developer needs. Visit: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and pick the resources you are interested in to get started.

Plus, Get the tools, training and support you need to build applications on Linux or Windows platforms. Register for our Software Evaluation Kit (SEK) with trial editions of IBM development tools and middleware on DVDs. Visit the Speed-start your Linux app and Speed-start Web services portals where you will find loads of tutorials and articles and online forums moderated
by IBM experts to help answer your questions. Software Evaluation Kit available here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... r-L1544sek</a><!-- m -->

Use XML namespaces with care
XML namespaces are an imperfect solution to a difficult problem. From basic information architecture to difficulties with APIs, namespaces can open up rather painful gotchas if used carelessly. In this article, the author covers some of the more important design principles which, if followed, can minimize problems with namespaces.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... namespaces</a><!-- m -->

Thinking XML: Patent filings meet XML
The major patent organizations all have the dual goal of making electronic patent filing easy and making such filings compatible from one office to another. XML is the leading technology behind these efforts and a great deal of thought and work has gone into XML formats for patent filing. In this column, the author examines the background of XML patent e-filing and chats with patent expert Carl Oppedahl about the practicalities of XML filings.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 1544patent</a><!-- m -->

Tip: Compress XML files for efficient transmission
Binary XML has generated a lot of talk, and one of the motivators is the need for a less verbose transfer format, especially for use with Web services. One solution that is already at hand is data compression. This tip shows you how to use compression to prepare XML for transmission over Web services.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ompressXML</a><!-- m -->

Thanks. Alex A