Linking to frames


OOPS! Posted in a different forum without scrolling down further to find this one.......oh well.<br />
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I don't know if this is the right kind of forum (judging from the current posts) but maybe somebody can give me a yes or no answer to the following question: <br />
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Is it possible to target two different frames from one anchor? I would like to be able to change the contents of two frames with one click, but I haven't found any instruction on how to do this, or if it is even possible. If this isn't the right kind of forum, where might there be a forum for questions of this type. I got lots!!!! <br />
Thanks<!--content-->try something like this:<br />
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<a href="#" onClick="javascript: window.frame1.location=''; window.frame2.location=''">click here</a><!--content-->