Linking to files for download


This is probably a really stupid question but...<br />
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I have a link to a Flash .swf file on my page, which I want the user to be able to use to Download <!--more--> the file.<br />
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But when the link is clicked, instead of bringing up the 'save' dialogue box, it just opens the .swf in the browser. <br />
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Could anyone tell me how I can tell the browser that this link should Download <!--more--> the file instead of opening it in the browser?<br />
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I think the reason it's doing this is because I have my browser set as the default application for standalone Flash movies...but obviously there is a big chance that many other people also have this how can I force the Download <!--more-->?<br />
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Thanks a lot for any help.<!--content-->Zip it is the easy way.<!--content-->if pyro was here and had read this, he would have posted this link:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!--more-->.htm<br />
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note: it requires php.<br />
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LOL<!--content-->LOL... :D<!--content-->Thanks Dave - I was hoping not to have to zip...but if no one has any other way I guess I will have to.<br />
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I didn't understand that link - seemed to be how to bring up a text file in the browser based on a dynamic didn't Download <!--more--> anything when I tried it. Was I missing something?<!--content-->What browser were you using? I have listed on the bottom which browsers I tested with and which do/do not work...<!--content-->Ah - was it supposed to force a Download <!--more-->? With me, it just opened the text in the browser. I am using 5.5<!--content-->Just put a "click here to Download <!--more-->" link and tell your users to right click the link and "save target as".<!--content-->mac users?<!--content-->Can't they hold down their mouse or however they right click?<!--content-->