Linking to a word Document

I would like to create links to a word document (a worksheet) that can be edited and then saved on the users own P.C. I copied the code off of another site that does this but I must have done something wrong because it still doesn't work. <br />
<a target="_blank" href="SociologistWorksheet.doc">Get Worksheet</a> <br />
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When I test this, the document can only be viewed in the browser. If you try to save it and then look at the saved document, it just opens up word but there is no document at all (not even a blank one). <br />
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Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?<br />
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Thanks!<br />
Angela<!--content-->is the doc file set to "Read Only"? Upon viewing the file, you should be able to save it. another suggestion would be to close the current IE session, and start a new one (i've had troubles like this before too) there are some other options, and we can likely help you with a save document as script to the system locally...<br />
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would you like them to be able to view the document before saving it?<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Can't you use the file:// prefex?<br />
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Andy<!--content-->hmmmn, I have quite a few word documents saved to the web for remote viewing. Mine are read only, but I can save the browser viewed version, and pull it up in word as a valid file (with all the data). <br />
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So basically, its working for me on a win2k system.<!--content-->Thanks for suggestions. I tried using the file:// prefix, I get an error message that says "Computer or Sharename cannot be found" (whatever that means). I double checked, but files are not "read only". <br />
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Currently, I just have the word files with the .doc extention saved in the same folder as my web page, is there some special folder that I need to set up or format that I need to use in the document so I can get the browser to recognize the document they way I want it to?<!--content-->