linking one website with another


Staff member
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum.I am working to create a directlink to a product page from another website. To tell you in detail, the website is an online-shopping. So users click on primary category(like furniture,household appliances etc) and from there they choose sub-category(like sofa,wardrobe,dining table etc) and from there they see specific products. The page is already designed in such a way that the top and left side of the page remains the same throughout the website with menu options and the chosen category is displayed in a frame in the middle of the screen.Now i would like to link to a specific product(say diningtable-stockid133339)from another static webpage. The problem iam having is when i write the webpage address with stockid no in the url, it just displays the webpage without menus on top and left corners. Anyone can help me in this? i am sure you would have come across something like this.<br />
thanks in advance<!--content-->is there anyone to help me with my query?<!--content-->This is the essence of one of the problems with frames. If at all possible, avoid using frames, but if you have to use them you will need to create a frameset for each set of pages you want to link to (either dynamically or as an actual page).<br />
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In this case, take your frameset code from the online shopping site and replace the main frame's original src with the URL of the specific product.<br />
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