Linking images from another site


You see here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 1774224755</a><!-- m --> under the description area, I have pasted some html. I used an image from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> , but it won't appear. The image exists, but it won't show. what should I do?????????<!--content-->when i looked at the page the actual image was on...all i saw was a 404 error telling be that the image didnt exist<!--content-->What you are doing is commonly called hot linking.<br />
You link to an image on one site with the intention that you view it at another site without the viewer ever visiting the original (hosting) site.<br />
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The 'page not found' respond page is a very common method applied by the webstorage companies like geocities, etc.. they do not want to become depositories for image files which are linked to from other pages.<br />
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They want the visitors to come to the site which is hosted by geocities, they want the visitors to see their advertisement and want the visitors to view the page and site contents which are available there...<br />
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they do not permit hot linking of their images.<br />
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even image storage websites, like will often rotate urls to avoid hot linking. that forces the webspace owner to provide a link to the site which the user must follow instead to view the images. This brings business and eventually advertisement to their pages.<br />
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hotlinking is also something that regular website hates..because the website is slowed down by the traffic to/from their site without anybody actually visiting.<br />
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hotlinking is a topic of much discussion and a lot of effort goes into the prevention of same.<br />
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If you want to use an image that you own, then save it and upload it to your new website where you want to display it. if you do not own the picture then you should probably not hotlink to it either, but instead provide a link to the url where the image exsits.<!--content-->that image is located in my own geocities account. When I go to the image link, I don't get a 404 error. The trick is to copy paste the link into a new web browser instead of directly clicking the link.<!--content-->Could it be that you are logging in to geocities (and have a cookie on your computer) so it is ok when you view it, but when others view it, they are not allowed in because they have not 'logged in' ?<br />
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Even it is your own geocities account they don't like you hotlinking to it, because they want your visitors to go to the page (and see the advertisement) instead of the image being served up another place.<!--content-->geocities is so cheap. i need a better free host<!--content-->that my friend is an Oxymoron. a free better host. <br />
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you get what you pay for<!--content-->yeah dude, dont diss geocities. they are the bomb. if you want a better host then get some money and buy some webspace, instead of dissing the free host.<!--content-->yeah...... dude what ur doing is called bandwidth stealing.... u can get in major trouble for that....<br />
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geocities is great!!!!!!!!!!!! <br />
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(although the annoying banner on the left makes it alittle bad)<br />
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i know of a free better host... but i dont know if i should give it to u... u'll never nice to other people when u review their sites....if u change, i'll maybe tell u of it, but until then, u must prove it. :)<!--content-->NEVER! How about changing the way you view me instead of changing the way I review???????<!--content-->rjlstar, <br />
until u make a site that is 10 times better than the site ur reviewing, u cant be REALLY REALLY critical.. u almost have to look up to the site and say: "Wow! ur site is ten times better than mine. I wish u made my site for me!"<br />
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lol. u seem like more of a teacher who grades, then the student who learns.<br />
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its best to be the student and alittle bit of the teacher.<!--content-->show me your best website<!--content-->i'm not finished it yet. :D<!--content-->ok guys, this is not the place for this discussion, lets get back on topic or I will be forced to close this thread.<br />
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RJ did you get the answer you were looking for?<!--content-->yes. hot linking = no linking.<!--content-->