Linking a item on a list to a google search.


Hi,<br />
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I have a few pages that contain simple lists of files that I would like to be hyperlinked to a google search for whatever file they choose.<br />
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I would prefer not to add the code to each file on a manual basis because some pages have over 500 files on them.<br />
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Is this possible?<br />
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TIA<br />
Phillip<!--content-->yes it's possible, and it would be alot easier with server-side such as php, does your host support php?<br />
I'm sure scoutt will be able to guide you :D <br />
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by the way where are you in spain?<!--content-->Yes my host has php, mysql, perl, the works...I think.<br />
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Near Bibao<!--content-->I have a few pages that contain simple lists of files that I would like to be hyperlinked to a google search for whatever file they choose.<br />
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I would prefer not to add the code to each file on a manual basis because some pages have over 500 files on them.<br />
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well yes and no. yes if the fies are linked somehow to a database. you can have the file name and path in the database and then pull i tout with php. now it all depends on what the search string is tha tyou want to attach. <br />
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if the fiels are not ina database then you will have to edit it by hand, so that means doing all 500 of them.<br />
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what will it look like when the google search is done?<!--content-->No currently the file list is just a simple file created with a great little app called Directory lister.<br />
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The result would simply be a new window showing a Google search with the filename as the search text.<br />
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I.E. The file would open a window where google seaches for "".<br />
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Does that make sense?<br />
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TIA<br />
Phillip<!--content-->ok that makes since. so are you searching the web or your site?<br />
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and may I ask why you want to search on something so vague?<br />
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now my other answer is that since you used Directory Lister that tells me that you don't use a database. this means you have to either make a program to do it or do it by hand. if you know php then that is the way to go.<!--content-->OK, I'll tell you a bit more about it and hope you don't fall asleep.<br />
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My site list files I have for certain types of FPS games. I list then because I have nearly 20Gb worth of files and a few people are always looking for the rare ones. Since the site was launched (A week ago) I've had about twenty people ask me where to find some files. All I did was perform a google search and ended up emailing them the link. I thought that if that function was automatic it would make the site more useful.<br />
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Now I actually have working links for 75% of the files in a excel spreadsheet. The trouble with that is that the links are to the files directly and not to the Download <!--more--> page of the respective authors. That, I'm told, is bad netiquette. However the problem with linking to the Download <!--more--> page is that an automatic link checker will tell you the link is fine when if fact if you tried to Download <!--more--> the file there could be an error.<br />
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So, once a week I plan to update my file list a upload them the the relevant page. It's really easy and only takes a few seconds. On my other website I run a MySQl db with a php search function (ALL code supplied by Dev shed forum!) but it takes more time than I have.<br />
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It sounds to me that you are saying I would need to put the filenames in a db and then have php parse them to a function or something. Iw as hoping to have a piece of code at the top of the page and it somehow creates a hyperlink to google and inserts each file name and then creates a hyperlink. Wishful thinking , huh?<br />
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Thanks for your time<br />
Phillip<!--content-->I always used to use <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> to find .zip and .exe files.<br />
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That got bought out by the people behind the fast search engine, and then sold on to someone else.<br />
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Lately it was incorporated into the alltheweb search engine, but is nowhere near as good as it used to be.<!--content-->