link with button


I know how to put images ( <img src="name"> ) <br />
and I know how to put links ( <li><a href="link"></a></li><br />
But How do I put a button.... <br />
I have the image, but I don't know how to put the link.<br />
:confused: :(<!--content--><a href="page"><img src="image" alt="alternate text" border="0"></a><!--content-->speaking of links...<br />
i was wondering how you create a "back" link<br />
i'm sure to some of you that's incredibly easy, <br />
so if you could help me i'd be very grateful<!--content-->Originally posted by AxMan936 <br />
speaking of links...<br />
i was wondering how you create a "back" link<br />
i'm sure to some of you that's incredibly easy, <br />
so if you could help me i'd be very grateful <br />
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<a href="#" onclick="history.go(-1); return false;">Go back</a><br />
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If you want to go back more than 1 page, just change the 1 to whatever the number of pages you want to go back is.<!--content-->is the "#" supposed to be replaced?<br />
is that liek making it a computer decided value?<br />
thanx a lot tho!<!--content-->No, the "#" is there just to fill space. It doesn't do anything except, since the link doesn't lead to any URL, fill the space where the URL would usually be. You can actually fill it with anything, but the "return false;" in the onclick part of the link makes it dead, so even if there was a URL where the "#" is, the link wouldn't go there.<br />
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In other words, you can leave the quotes blank, or you can put whatever you want inbetween, just as long as you have "return false;" in the onclick.<!--content-->o i get it<br />
thanx again for your help!<!--content-->You're welcome. :)<!--content-->yes i kno, i'm a stupid new webdesigner (not liek there aren't enough of them)<br />
but i have another question<br />
is there a way to make a link to close a window?<!--content-->Originally posted by AxMan936 <br />
is there a way to make a link to close a window? <a href="#" onclick="self.close();">Close this window.</a><!--content-->omgosh you ppl are nice<br />
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ok umm,<br />
the user clicks the submit button in a form...(with wahtever name) is there a way to laod up anothher page using the same button at the same time<br />
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liekt hey click "submit" and it send the e-mail and loads a specified page with the click of the button?<!--content-->No problem. :D<!--content-->You should be handleing email forms with a server side language, so just use a server side redirect. Back buttons and stuff like that can be handled with java script but when it gets to functionality, do it server side.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
You should be handleing email forms for a server side language, so just use a server side redirect. Back buttons and stuff like that can be handled with java script but when it gets to functionality, do it server side. <br />
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Yup, completely agree with him there.<!--content-->like i sed i'm failry new at this compared to most of you<br />
so if you could explain a little of that, i'd apreciate it...<!--content-->A server side language takes the form values, connects to the smtp server, sends them though it, then redirects you to another page. Server side scripting just meants the scripts are executed by the server rather then the browser. The server handles smtp connections, data bases, and outputs html and gets input etc. It is more secure and reliable. Do not use html to send forms because it requires the client to have a mail client and that is not always, or even often the case.<!--content-->