First there was a link to "ftp://nameofmysite/" for downloading an application.<BR>Then I was told to do a Login.asp page so only registered users can download that application so now this link is "http://nameofmysite/Login.asp"<BR><BR>In this page I have something like:<BR><BR>if user credentials = O.K. then <BR> Response.redirect("ftp://nameofmysite/")<BR>else<BR> .........<BR>end if <BR><BR>It works but the page it shows looks different from that it would have been displayed if the user had gone directly to<BR>"ftp://nameofmysite/" and the manager doesn't like it. The page is (ip is different of course):<BR><BR>"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"><BR><HTML><BR><HEAD><BR><TITLE>FTP root at</TITLE><BR></HEAD><BR><BODY><BR><H2>FTP root at</H2><BR><HR><BR><H4><PRE><BR>Thank you for visiting us ! (this is the message set in IIS/FTP Properties)<BR></PRE></H4><BR><HR><BR><PRE><BR>08/21/2001 04:37 12,596,559 <A HREF="/setup.exe">setup.exe</A><BR></PRE><BR><HR><BR></BODY><BR></HTML>"<BR>The address in AddressBar is "<BR><BR>How can I prevent it ? I noticed that if I Refresh the page it is o.k. What can I do ? Can I "simulate" a Refresh after redirecting the user.<BR><BR>By the way: Why use ftp to download an application/file ? I have noticed that Microsoft and Zdnet do not use ftp or do they ?<BR><BR>Thank you !<BR><BR>Mihai