Hi, I am new to java script and html coding and I am trying to link to two seperate links from one hyperlink. The links will be a PDF document and the other link will be a html pop-up in a sized window.
So when the PDF file opens a html popup opens in a condensed window at the same time.
The html pop-up link I believe should be something like this below?
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function custom()
window.open('http://www.fleetwoodmac-uk.com/flash1.html','',CONFIG='HEIGHT=290,WIDTH=405,TOOLBAR=no,MENUBAR=no,SCROLLBARS=no,RESIZABLE=no,LOCATI ON=no,DIRECTORIES=no,STATUS=yes')
But I need to load this script on the hyperlink I think.
Normally I place this script on the page that opens, but as the opening page will be a PDF, I cannot do this.
An example of the normal script loaded on the opening page is as follows - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fleetwoodmac-uk.com/video.html">http://www.fleetwoodmac-uk.com/video.html</a><!-- m -->
Also if I could have a timeout contained on the popup, even better.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
So when the PDF file opens a html popup opens in a condensed window at the same time.
The html pop-up link I believe should be something like this below?
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function custom()
window.open('http://www.fleetwoodmac-uk.com/flash1.html','',CONFIG='HEIGHT=290,WIDTH=405,TOOLBAR=no,MENUBAR=no,SCROLLBARS=no,RESIZABLE=no,LOCATI ON=no,DIRECTORIES=no,STATUS=yes')
But I need to load this script on the hyperlink I think.
Normally I place this script on the page that opens, but as the opening page will be a PDF, I cannot do this.
An example of the normal script loaded on the opening page is as follows - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fleetwoodmac-uk.com/video.html">http://www.fleetwoodmac-uk.com/video.html</a><!-- m -->
Also if I could have a timeout contained on the popup, even better.
Thanks in advance for all your help.