Link to a word document


I tried to link a word document to my webpage, but it will not work using the following code:<br />
<br />
<A HREF="http://C:\Documents and Settings\pgajewicz\Desktop\JUNE\CALPA_June\biopage.doc">Click Here</a><br />
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Should I be able to see my word document (biopage.doc) when I click on the link "click here"? <br />
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How should I do this. All I wanted to do is be able to click a link to open a word doc that resides within the same folder as my webpages do.<br />
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Anyone have any suggestions?<br />
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Thx.<br />
PG<br />
:confused:<!--content-->Replace "http://" with "file:\\\".<!--content--><a href="file:\\\P:\Intranet\Campusnews.doc/"target="_blank">Hyperlinks</a></b></div></FONT>'<br />
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Here is my setup and I get the message "site cannot be found". Did you get yours to work?<!--content-->This will only work offline. If you're trying to load a file from your PC via a link on a website, forget it.<!--content-->hi PG...<br />
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did you just try this?<br />
<br />
<a href="C:\Documents and Settings\pgajewicz\Desktop\JUNE\CALPA_June\biopage.doc">Click Here</a> <br />
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after all...<br />
the file does not reside on the internet.<br />
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that should work for you<br />
(and i believe that the slashes work either way.... <br />
although there is probably a correct way :rolleyes: )<br />
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;) k<!--content-->What I am trying to do is setup the message text pointing to a word doc so an individual can keep it updated. Is this possible. thanks<br />
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I tried all the above using frontpage but no success. thanks<!--content-->hey...<br />
whose question is this anyway? :)<br />
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sorry...<br />
I was responding to PG (lakehook).<br />
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so anyway (superhl)...<br />
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are your webpages on the P drive...<br />
or on the server?<br />
<br />
your link should work on the network (although you should drop the trailing slash)...<br />
but it won't work on the server.<br />
<br />
plus...<br />
it will only work for those people with permissions to the P drive (and the "intranet" folder).<br />
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you'll need to upload the Word doc onto the server if your webpage link is on the server <br />
(it won't "adopt" the network drives as suitable sources for files).<br />
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does that help you?<br />
<br />
;) k<!--content-->Hey all -<br />
<br />
Thanks for the help.<br />
These are the following lines of code that can work:<br />
<br />
<A HREF="C:\Documents and Settings\pgajewicz\Desktop\JUNE\CALPA_June\bioinfo.doc">July 2003 CALPA minutes<br />
-or-<br />
<A HREF="file:\\\c:\Documents and Settings\pgajewicz\Desktop\JUNE\CALPA_June\brf_bio.doc">August 2003 CALPA minutes<br />
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OK, now that that is sorta settled. WHY do 3 instances of WORD open when I click on that link on the website to open the Word document. Does anyone else see this or is this my PC futzin' with me?<br />
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Thanks Khaki and Hester for your help.<br />
It was my soapbox, but SUPERHL wanted to get in a few words too I guess. Next time try opening your own post. :rolleyes:<!--content-->It may work for you but others won't be able to view the file unless it sits on the server. What you can do is use a language like PHP to allow anyone to edit and upload a file. (Probably not a Word one but maybe it can be done.)<!--content-->shouldn't open when I have this site uploaded to my hosting site????<br />
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Does anyone have a opinion on GoDaddy? How is their hosting? Wha'ts the lowdown, can you dig???<!--content-->shouldn't open when I have this site uploaded to my hosting site????<br />
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Exactly. Unless the Word document is also on the site. But a link to your home computer - how would that work? What if you turned the computer off - how would anyone be able to access the file?<!--content-->What if you turned the computer off - how would anyone be able to access the file? well...<br />
regardless...<br />
if the link points to a C: Drive...<br />
it would not matter if the "hosting" pc is turned on or off...<br />
since that link would target the user's pc... not the "hosting" pc.<br />
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The link must point to a location on the server. And the file must reside on the server. <br />
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Any files that are located on C: Drives will not be available to anyone (unless those files are located on thier own C: Drive).<br />
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Your C: Drive link is as local as local gets (your pc only).<br />
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As far as Go Daddy...<br />
I makes no claims...<br />
but I'm bout it... and I'm feelin' ya bro ;)<br />
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this homegirl be geese...<br />
;) k<!--content-->Use GoDaddy to register your domain, but as far as hosting -- there are better deals...<!--content-->why would you want to link to a word document on your computer from a website. To see that document you would have to be at your computer it would not work form another computer so wouldnt it just be easier to open the doc on your computer? what are you trying to do with the site? is it goin to go online? or is it a personal homepage that you will only use on your computer?<!--content-->also if anyone else clicked that link from another site it would take them to that place on their hard drive which most likely wont exsist so they will get a no page message. You need upload the word document to your host and link to it like you would any other page on your site.<!--content-->You would first have to upload it to your webserver and then refer to it as you would any htm page only... adding .doc instead of .htm to it<br />
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Example? (If I'm understanding you correctly)<br />
<br />
<a href="">Bio Page (To be updated regularly)</a><br />
<br />
That way, anyone going to your site could have access to this page and email the changes to you, unless provided with your username and password (Your hosting service should provide this to you, as well as help on how to ftp - upload - to their webserver, for your site to get online), where they could actually replace the file themselves, live. Keep in mind, however, that this is only good if one person, and one person only, has this kind of access as the changes are LIVE and if too many were able to alter this document online, how would you tell what or who's version you were viewing?<br />
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Maybe an idea would be for you to KEEP your username and password to yourself and have these people (or single person) simply email you the updated versions which you, and only you, could replace, online.<br />
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Anywho... Hope this helps you a little<br />
All the best - I'm in Biology too - Cell and Molecular, you? <br />
: o )<br />
Q<!--content-->Q LEVEL -<br />
<br />
Yes thats the ticket!<br />
Im not explaining myself correctly to the rest of them, but you finally understood. I have to upload that doc to the webserverm, then point the link correctly to it. <br />
Thats how it will work!!!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
PS WHats this about Biology? Are you referring that to me ??<br />
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lakehook<!--content-->Originally posted by lakehook <br />
Q LEVEL -<br />
<br />
Yes thats the ticket!<br />
Im not explaining myself correctly to the rest of them, but you finally understood. I have to upload that doc to the webserverm, then point the link correctly to it. <br />
Thats how it will work!!!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
PS WHats this about Biology? Are you referring that to me ??<br />
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lakehook ummm....<br />
didn't you originally write that the file resides on your C: Drive ? (answer: yes... you did).<br />
<br />
so I gave you a response for THAT situation, and wrote:<br />
after all...<br />
the file does not reside on the internet But I also wrote this (for the alternative):<br />
you'll need to upload the Word doc onto the server if your webpage link is on the server <br />
and this:The link must point to a location on the server. And the file must reside on the server. <br />
so....<br />
<br />
whatever....<br />
:confused: k<!--content-->