link to a new window


hi all,<br />
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i have a web site with a lot of pictures on it and i want to make a popup link e.g to make a picture bigger how do i do this please help!!<br />
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I'm using word 2000. but i can use frontpage 2000.<br />
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Ta Bob<!--content-->Here is the general idea what you need to code;<br />
<br />
(This is the title of picture)<br />
<BR>"Doing the ledge"<BR><br />
<br />
(Here is the go to page address from the thumbnail image)<br />
<a href="travis4ba.html" target="_blank"><br />
<br />
(Here is the thumbnail)<br />
<IMG SRC="travis4a.jpg" width=120 height=98 alt="LEDGE"><BR>**CLICK HERE TO ENLARGE**</A><br />
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Do a quick search here and you can hopefully find a better explanation.<br />
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:rocker:<!--content-->FrontPage has a feature to automatically create the thumbnail (shrink the original and make copy). Insert the big fullsized picture into your HTML file, click (highlight) the image, notice the new toolbar pops up.. One of those buttons is Auto Thumbnail. Click it once and it will make the thumbnail and link it to the original, big version. You will have to do this for each image. <br />
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- Or - <br />
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You can use a nifty program, that will batch a whole folder full of photos and make the "gallery" of clickable small pics for you. It's called Pink Mouse Image Organizer. Get it at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. I talked more about this program in mid-January here <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. Enjoy!<!--content-->Thanks guys<br />
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Just going out of my head trying to do this. But brill advice and programs.<br />
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thanks again Bob<br />
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