Link that opens NEW browser. How to?


Staff member
Greetings. Can someone show me just how to create<br />
a link on a webpage that Will Open a New browser?<br />
Tried 5 javascripts = no luck whatsoever. - stumped -<!--content-->Easier way is to put target="_blank" in the HTML for the link as per ....<br />
<br />
!<a href="" target="_blank"></a>! <br />
<br />
Terry Sedgwick.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->RightO Mate!<!--content-->Bewdy cobber! I shall be praying that your chooks don't turn into emus and kick your dunny down. (Now who says Americans and Australians share a common language??!!)<!--content-->Becareful of my dunny, I bruise easily. What the hell is a dunny?<!--content-->A dunny is lavatory/toilet/W.C. (or in today's advertising/marketing terminology ... "a bodily function evacuation facility") characteristically outdoors. <br />
An old saying, wishing bad luck on someone, was to hope their chooks would turn into emus and kick their dunny down. <br />
Now didn't you need to know that!! However, if the situation arises you will never need to "Phone a friend", "Go 50/50" or "Ask the audience".<!--content-->I'll keep that in mind and see if I can spot a dunny on tomorrow nights episode of Survivor<!--content-->