Link target two different frames?


I was wondering if it is possible to have one button, change the content of two different frames. <br />
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For example. Clicking on the About Us button, can I have the content in the middle frame that says welcome, and the bottom frame that says News & Events, change to different content for both frames using the same button and only one click?<br />
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For reference please view the page that loads after hitting enter:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks for your time,<br />
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Ronin D.<!--content-->perhaps something like this....<br />
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<a href="void(0); return false" onClick= "parent.frames.mainframename.location=''; parent.frames.bottomframename.location=''">click here</a><!--content-->Actually Doc, the 'return false' negates the 'void(0)'.<br />
Try:<br />
<a href="Javascript:void(0)" onClick= "parent.frames.mainframename.location=''; parent.frames.bottomframename.location=''">click here</a><!--content-->ah, good catch jon!<!--content-->Thanks guys, everything works great now!<br />
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-Ronin D.<!--content-->