Link sql server or else?


Hi all im trying to archive my database over two servers.

i have copied over the database. and got it on the new server it has all the fields and some prmary keys everything. I need to be able to do SET IDENTITY_INSERT products ON on the tables and do inserts from servera to serverb

I got the server linked (that i though) here is the code i used to link servers.

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'servB',
@srvproduct = 'servB',
@provider = 'SQLOLEDB'

when i ran a selection
select * from servA.dbname.dbo.table
thought it worked but actually it was getting data from the database i was connected at meaning it was returning
select * from table
(because the table names were the same. i didnt notice it didnt work until i emptied out the servA table)

Now i need help on the linked server thingy. OR any other suggestions to do this. I am going to write a vb code if i cant do it but i really dont want to lose that much time on it if i can do it in tsql. PLEASE HELP, its killing me.Were you at serverA or serverB? If you were at serverA and currently in "dbname", then select * from servA.dbname.dbo.table is going to be logically equivalent to select * from table in the case where there's only one "table" and the owner is dbo.