Link Juic in SEO


New Member
I'm hearing this word "JUICE" in SEO, what does this means? Thanks! In simple words, Its the # of links that you generate for a particular keyword/phrase. I.e, if you say, for XXX keyword you need a lot of backlinks to get it on the top position. In other words, for XXX keyword you need good amount of link juice to bring it on the top. Juice is also referred to as the power of the vote that your backlink is giving you. There are many programs out there that will analyze your link and let you know the quality of the link. The higher the quality, the higher the "juice". If you want to restrict page rank flow or link juice flow then put "No follow" tag. The term of 'link juice' is directly concerned in SEO, as it refers to the links that will drive up your rankings and bring traffic to your websites. link juice is a referral word for link benefit. If one is talking about link Juice that means he is talking about, how many links he has earned from various ways.