Link in email displaying full URL rather than just anchor text


New Member
I am using the code below to send out an email if certain conditions are met. It works fairly well. However, \[code\]$link1\[/code\] displays as a full URL rather than just as anchor text. How could I make just the anchor text display?Thanks in advance,John\[code\]$querye = mysql_query("SELECT subcheck FROM submission WHERE subcheck = '1' AND submissionid = '$submissionid' ");if (mysql_num_rows($querye) == 1){$email_query = "SELECT email FROM login WHERE username = '$submittor'";$result = mysql_query($email_query);if (!$result) { trigger_error('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()." in ".$email_query);}if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $mailaddress = $row['email'];$link1 = "<a href='".urlencode($submission)."&submissionid=".urlencode($submissionid)."&url=".urlencode($url)."&countcomments=".urlencode($countcomments)."&submittor=".urlencode($submittor)."&submissiondate=".urlencode($submissiondate)."&dispurl=".urlencode($dispurl)."'>Comment Link</a>"; $message1 = "Someone made the following comment on your submission $submission:$commentPlease click the link below to see the comment in context.$link1"; $queryem = mail($mailaddress, "Someone has commented on your submission $submission.", $message1, "FROM: [email protected]");}else{ // no rows found.}}else{//your subcheck is not 1 / nothing was found}\[/code\]