Link For Downloads


hey all-<br /><br />I want to be able to have a link so people can download (not play) a very large mp3 file. I want mac, pc and ipod folks able to download and use.<br /><br />I am very new to this area- what are my options?<br /><br />Thanks!<!--content-->
Zip the file and upload it to your webspace. Then add a link to the ZIP file to download. They should be able to unzip it even on a Mac and do what they wish with it.<!--content-->
ok thanks Bruce.<br /><br />Now regarding <b>ipods</b> - since I am not familiar with MACs- what is the process? Do they first download it into itunes, and then into ipods? I want to make it so they cannot run the mp3 from the link, but rather after its placed on their computers.<br /><br />Thanks!<!--content-->
*snorts out a mouthful of gatorade*<br /><br />sorry. =)<br /><br />The OSX platform has many, many options for ways to deal with audio files. *I* load them in itunes and run them to my mp3 player. People with ipods an automatically sync their ipods and hdd's but don't always choose to.<br /><br />That doesn't include the many options over at<br /><br />There are many ways to download the files and deal with them on the mac, even moreso than on Windows. The only way you can ensure what you want is by zipping the file and making people decompress it to play it. That goes for windows, mac, and *nix variants. =)<!--content-->
ok thanks Lisa, so just to reiterate.<br /><br />1) Link below is all I need for Mac, PC<br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--><a href="">download my mp3</a><!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br />Because this forces the person to download and unzip file so it cannot automatically be played with plugins.<br /><br />2) To get mp3 into ipod, it first has to be loaded through Mac in some capacity (i.e. my link > iTunes > ipod)<br /><br />Is this accurate?<br /><br />Thanks <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
That is the correct way to create the link.<br /><br />To get it to ipod, it would have to be extracted from the zip file and then they would use what ever mechanism they use to put other mp3s onto it.<!--content-->
alrighty thanks- I will zip it and use link I showed you guys and then see how it goes. thanks so much! TCH forum rocks. <br /><br />CRO8<!--content-->
You know, I have one more question, the mp3 files I will be working with are <b>LARGE</b> - one file is 60 mb, the second is 54 mb and third is probably somewhere in between. When I zip these using winzip, how much of a decrease in file size can I expect? Is there a standard percentage winzip decreases files? (40%, 30%, etc.)<br /><br />any ideas?<br /><br />Thanks!<!--content-->
Audio files don't compress as you might imagine. Don't be suprised if all you see is something like 60mb down to 59mb : a 1mb difference.<!--content-->
oh geez really? ok, whatever. this is what client wants. As long as I can get them onto people's computers and not play automatically upon clicking on hyperlink. zipping will do this.<br /><br />thanks!<!--content-->
mp3 is a compression format which is why zip doesn't compress it much.<br /><br />btw: when you link - I'd highly suggest you SAY you're linking to a zip rather tthan saying you're linking to an MP3 - this may affect peoples decisions and it's best to give accurate info. =)<!--content-->
I would also include the size of the zip file as well. That would really affect whether or not they download it. Especially if they are on dial-up.<!--content-->
ok thanks guys will do.<br /><br />Thanks!<!--content-->
you know what- is there a way I keep it as mp3 and write a script that tells the computer to not automatically play its plug in but prompt a window to save on hard drive - similar to what happens with zip files?<br /><br />I am concerned folks wont know how to deal with opening zips.<br /><br />Thanks.<!--content-->
You can always instruct to use the "Right-click>>Save (target) as.... <br /><br />There is also a cool little program that will automatically display the names of the files and give you option to listen or download. I think it costs a few bucks but it's pretty neat<br /><br />h**tp://<br /><br /><i>I use it at</i><!--content-->
thanks boxturt but the mp3s Im using are very large. one if 60 mb, one is 54 mb. big. I really dont want to give folks a way of listening to them. just download it onto their machines.<!--content-->
I had a look on and came up with this force download script that may do what you want.<br /><br /><!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--content-->
oh bruce thats awesome man. thanks! just what I need. I tried to search thru HS but didnt know what to look for. cool.<br /><br />As of now I uploaded all three mp3 files and created a hyperlink for them <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> and giving folks the choice to either play on site or download to home computer. I have cable and the files work fine.<br /><br />Tomorrow Im going to have some co-workers look at it and see if they can open on site. <br /><br />thanks again Bruce- good stuff.<br /><br /><edit>question: what extension should my mp3s have? as of now its <b>.cda</b></edit><!--content-->
If they are .cda files they are not MP3 files. They are compact disk audio files and should be converted to MP3. They would also be quite a bit smaller if converted I would imagine.<br /><br />Here is a site that lists all the audio file extensions and what they mean.<br /><br /><!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><br /><br />You should be able to convert them to actual MP3 files with MusicMatch Jukebox or some other audio tool.<!--content-->
thanks Ill look into musicmatch jukebox. Is there a free alternative?<br /><br />Thanks.<!--content-->
Click the FREE link on the MusicMatch site. The Plus version costs money but the free version will do what you need.<!--content-->
nice thanks again Bruce <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Another option is a mp3 CD ripper, WAV converter called CDEX<br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />you can set quality in the options <br />if the files are not music, you can use the voice quality.<!--content-->
hey don thanks!<br /><br />regarding musicmatch jukebox, I downloaded free trial and when I went to convert I only saw these options<br /><br /><!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->WAV files to .MP3 (and mp3PRO) files<br />MP3 (and mp3PRO) to WAV<br />MP3 (and mp3PRO) to MP3 VBR (and mp3PRO VBR)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />I have the original CDs, can I convert using MMJ with these above options?<br /><br />Thanks.<!--content-->
If you have the original CDs they should be WAV format so yes, you should be able to convert to MP3 from that.<!--content-->
thanks Bruce!<!--content-->
nope I tried the originals and the extensions are .cda not .wav.<br /><br />What are my options?<br /><br />Thanks.<br /><br /><edit>Im trying <b></b> and will re post my progress</edit><!--content-->
Did you try CDEX?<br />it free and small and easy.<!--content-->
thanks don I was able to rip and post online. look at my other post.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />thanks! <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
You are welcome.<br />I downloaded one of the files and tried to make it more compact<br />but the best I did was 19 meg, still too big for a dial-up<br /><br />I looked at the program you used, but see that you need to buy it.<br />So I will stick to CDEX.<br /><br />Glad you have it working.<!--content-->
thanks man.<!--content-->
Sorry MusicMatch wouldn't work for you. Glad you found something that worked. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
all good <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> thanks!<!--content-->