Link Exchanges - Can You Have Them Without Being Penalized?


New Member
I know that google penalizes link exchanges but does this only apply as follows:

PageA --LINK---> PageB
pageB --LINK---> PageA

or does it also apply to linking to different pages of the same domain such as

DomainA(anypage) --LINK---> DomainB(anypage)
DomainB(anypage) --LINK---> DomainA(anypage)

Does google pick up on domain wide link exchanges or only page specific link exchanges? This reply from Matt Cutts is in reply to figuring out bad neighbourhoods but part of his answer is applicable to reciprocating links in general:
Quote: Matt: Use your gut. Trading links is natural and it's natural to have reciprocal links. At some level, natural reciprocal links happen, but if you do it way too often, it looks artificial. My advice is to go with your gut and if you're worried, you can use nofollow.
Reading Between the Lines: Matt Cutts on Reciprocal Linking Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the link as well. Reciprocal links, done well, can be the MOST powerful SEO method. There are a number of good posts around on what makes up a good link exchange. As above, go with your gut. Also, stick to your industry. Another good idea is don't JUST post a link, post a good review too on your blog, and ask for one in return.