Link exchange


New Member
Has anyone tried this free link exchange thing?linkexchangeexpertsJoining this site will be helpful to rank higher in google?i use http://www.linkmarket.netReciprocol links are not as benificial as they once were, but are still worth having.Some tips though.Look at the persons robots.txt if you are exchanging with them, some people block bots from spidering the pages they add link partners to.If thier robots.txt has a line similar toDissalow: partnerts.htmlDont exchange with them.Check the meta tags on the page your link will be added to, look specificaly at the instructions for robots. It should say nothing or index and follow.Check to see if they have a rel="nofollow" attribute on the links.Most people are fair, but some are cheats.If you add them fairly but they add you to a page that dosnt get spirded then they are getting a free one way link.thanks for the information. I just signed up for the link exchange. i hope it works for me.meman wrote: