link: doesn't work with all domains.


New Member
I've noticed that the link: operator on Google doesn't work with all types of domain names. I was researching the top 10 sites on the keyword: "free games" when I noticed that link: didn't work. Can it be the two hyphens?Nope, its not the hyphens. It is because that site is not ranked by Google. It is either very new or penalized.Download the Google Toolbar and you can see what I am talking about.It's odd that the site ranks #3 for "free games" out of 17,000,000 is that possible...unless it an anomaly of the recent update....I have a few pages that went from PR4 to PR0...but still rank high and I have not done anything to themvetofunk wrote:I think vetofunk is referring to the PR....the bar is gray...that's a very very bad thing for the site. Maybe they are one step away from being bannedVery interesting observation ....I can only get site info by using '' (without the www.).When using PROG the backlinks seem to be pointing to an inner page. There maybe some redirect because when you follow links back they are attributed to one page. Try something like 'link:'When you follow a back link to another site it is often pointing to the domain name ''.Very strange...those pages in '' have PR...good PR for internal pages. The .shtml extension looks very suspicious...I've seen site's that were cloaking using this extension.Yeah, i was referring to the pr. Ill have to look into it further.