Line Break Question


Staff member
I'm writing a script that has, in one section, a text box. When the visitor, to my site, uses the script, they will type several lines within this textbox. As such, I have installed a 'Preview' button, that when clicked, will allow the visitor to read or preview what they have typed, in an 'alert' or 'confirmation' window which pops up.

Below is my problem.

Next to the text box, I have included instructions, which include "when typing multiple paragraphs and/or lines, us '\n' to instruct the script to form a 'line break'."

This is successful, when the visitor ultimately generates the desired script but...the annoying thing is that the line break code (\n) which I have instructed them to use, shows up in the preview window, along with whatever they have typed.

Is there any way to have my visitors continue using the line break code but make it invisible in the preview popup?
