Limiting The Mass Email From Smf


When I had IPB I could set the number of emails and period between them is there any way of doing something like that with SMF, otherwise I can't send my newsletters out.<br /><br />My php isn't so good, so go easy on me if it's a coding thing.<!--content-->
Maybe <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> will help.<!--content-->
They have said they intend to make this part of the admin in SMF 2 but thats months off even being in beta so for now just follow the advice from the link Bruce posted.<!--content-->
the internet can be a small place, that was my question on SMF community forums.<br /><br /><br />I'll try what they say but I'll make it 1, as time isn't a problem I just need to send them out.<br /><br /><br />Thanks as ever guy.<!--content-->
I re-read your thread on the SMF forum and the answer to their question about SMTP having the same restriction is yes.<!--content-->