limiting the height of a table cell


On my web page I have a table down the left for links and stuff. One of the cells' height is set to 100% which looks okay, however if I run the page in a higher resolution I end up with a great big space in the cell after the data itself. The cell has an iframe in it so I have to specify a height. I was wondering if there was any way to say to the cell:<br />
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"I want you to take up as much height as you can but once you hit 300 pixels don't grow any bigger."<br />
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Does anyone know if there is a way to do this?<!--content-->I cant think of an established way of doing this but where there is a will there is a way.<br />
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I would embed the table inside another invisible table. Give the invisible table a fixed height in pixels. Then the enclosed table can be set to 100% and will not exceed the fixed pixel height of the parent cell... <br />
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Make sense? I hope so.<!--content-->Well it makes sense and on any other site it would probably work, but not on mine! I think it has something to do with the iframe but I don't know for sure.<br />
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This is the address of the page I'm working on:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... /index.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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If you look on the left, the cell I can't get to work is the one underneath "- Quick Links -" on the left of the page which shows the names of several games. If you click the minimize button on the Navigation part the navigation part will shrink to enlarge the quick links part underneath it - but I end up with a great big white space on the quick links part underneath the game list. This is what i can't get rid of. It also comes up if you run in a high resolution (1280x1024+). The cell is set to 100% as is the iframe - if I remove the cell height then it just resizes to about 1 pixel high :( <br />
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It has been annoying me for weeks now and I need someone to explain how to fix it. :rocker:<!--content-->looks ok to me<!--content-->:( Well the quick links part is still scrolling on that picture, it's only when you can see the whole list of games when it messes up. I guess you were either running at 800x600 or your screen wasn't maximised. I believe it only does it at 1024x768 or higher with the screen maximised. It's no big deal it's just that it would look ten times better in high screen resolutions ;) thanks for the picture though - helps me understand what other peeps see when the go to my site!<!--content-->yup I am at 800x600 and that is the 95% of the internet usage.<br />
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if it onl does it at higher resolutions then it appears to be that the table is making up for extra room it has and the iframe is not big enough to reach the end.<!--content--><br />
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scoutt, this article puts 1024x768 at at least 25%, but I've seen a lot of other reports that put it a lot higher. Definately 800x600 is NOT 95% of net users.<!--content-->and this one gets 1024x768 up to 37%. I suspect its more like 50/50 right now:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->well I exaggerated a little there. it could be closer to 50% but I don't think so maybe 75-25 from what I have seen, not including other peoples websites that is.<!--content-->