I have got a little problem with a spacing. I want to have spacing less than 1 pixel. Here is my html \[code\]<div id="head"> <h1>Mira's</h1> <br> <h2>Koding place</h2></div>\[/code\]and here is the CSS\[code\]@font-face { font-family: Museo; src: url("fonts/Museo300-Regular.otf") format("opentype");}body { background-color: black;}h1 { text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; font-family:'Museo', 'Lucida Console', Courier; font-size: 7em; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 10px #fff, 0 0 20px #fff, 0 0 30px #fff, 0 0 40px #029408, 0 0 70px #029408, 0 0 80px #029408, 0 0 100px #029408, 0 0 150px #029408;}h2 { font-size: 1.65em; text-align: center; font-family:'Museo', 'Lucida Console', Courier; color: #fff; margin-top: -1.65em; margin-left: 0.13em; letter-spacing: 0.5px;}\[/code\]Problem is that it's not letter spacing less than one \[code\]px\[/code\], is there any hack to make it less than one px? Here is jsfiddle with it http://jsfiddle.net/3np3y/Also dont mind that some things in CSS are \[code\]px\[/code\] and some are \[code\]em\[/code\]. I will retype everything to \[code\]em\[/code\] soon.